THE EVIL HOUR ( La mala hora ) The inquisitive apple of its eye sprouts arms with tusks of serpents, and its vulture tongue is oneof bad luck with a devil as similar as its face. With saliva streaming between its teeth, With death that roams with indiference through the sockets of its stormy soul it throws itself between the solitude of the people. To the entity that apears in an evil hour. The evil hour. On its forearm it numerates its transgressions in doubt furthermore of what it has lived. It prepares a banquet table for the enemy on a membership of perverse entities. Aware it is to its own inequieties that multiplies as bread of luxury. Who it is to be trapped under its nails and who it comforts in its orgy of tyrants. To the calm water that it drinks and contaminates. To how much it smiles after hurting us. The evil hour. "A salute to Franz Kafka" LA MALA HORA La manzana inquisitiva de su ojo echa brazos con colmillos de serpiente, y su lengua de rapina es mala suerte con un diablo a semejanza de su rostro. Con la baba que le gime entre los dientes, con la muerte que le ronda indiferente por la cuenca de su alma borrascosa se permuta entre el vacio de las gentes. A cuan ente que aparece a mala hora. La mala hora. En su antebrazo enumera sus desmanes, a entredicho mas alla de lo vivido. Le hace mesa de banquete al enemigo a membresia de perversas entidades. Lo mas al tanto son sus iniquidades que multiplica como panes de lujuria. A quien logra engatuzar bajo las unas. A quien comforta en su orgia de tiranos. Al agua mansa que al beberla nos ensucia. A cuanto rie al habernos hecho dano. La mala hora. "A salute to Franz Kafka". Lyrics by Luis Rodriguez Music by Luis Rodriguez and bryyn Produced and recorded by bryyn